Monday, November 21, 2011

Spread the holiday cheer and show compassion

Holidays should be more about sharing great moments with family and friends and helping those in need instead of just focusing on all those gifts we have to buy (many of people out there buying those gifts with money they don't even have) or the ones we are going to get (many of which might end up just collecting dust).

We have to stop before buying things other people usually don't need and think more about giving them the meaningful gifts of caring, loving, compassion.

The world is filled up with stuff, however our hearts are running on empty. Love more this holiday season.

Give someone in need a hand. There are easy ways to do so without having to donate or volunteer, you can help someone using your favorite social networks twitter or Facebook. A simple follow, RT or a like can change someone else life. Few of the twitter accounts out there that just need a click @pepto, @prosurvivors, @project7. You can like BJ's Wholesale Food Facebook page or Kraft to feed the hungry.

Think about how just a little act can mean so much.

From the bottom of my heart and on behalf of all those your kindness might help... THANK YOU!

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