Monday, November 21, 2011

Spread the holiday cheer and show compassion

Holidays should be more about sharing great moments with family and friends and helping those in need instead of just focusing on all those gifts we have to buy (many of people out there buying those gifts with money they don't even have) or the ones we are going to get (many of which might end up just collecting dust).

We have to stop before buying things other people usually don't need and think more about giving them the meaningful gifts of caring, loving, compassion.

The world is filled up with stuff, however our hearts are running on empty. Love more this holiday season.

Give someone in need a hand. There are easy ways to do so without having to donate or volunteer, you can help someone using your favorite social networks twitter or Facebook. A simple follow, RT or a like can change someone else life. Few of the twitter accounts out there that just need a click @pepto, @prosurvivors, @project7. You can like BJ's Wholesale Food Facebook page or Kraft to feed the hungry.

Think about how just a little act can mean so much.

From the bottom of my heart and on behalf of all those your kindness might help... THANK YOU!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Making someone else feeling good, lucky, abundant

It doesn't take much to make people feel good, abundant or lucky. Here are just a few ideas:

- Make somebody's day by leaving your change in the vending machine.

- Put some change in someone else parking meter before it expires.

- Someone might feel abundant if they find $1.00 bill inside a book about personal finances. Leave $1.00 in one of those books next time you go to a bookstore.

- Help someone save some money at the groceries by leaving coupons you won't use next to the product. (Once I found one coupon in the ice cream freezer! It made my day!)

- For just $0.01 make someone feel lucky for a day ... Leave a penny for someone to find... make sure it's heads up!

And remember the energy that you put out comes back at you... these little actions will make you feel good too!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Community gardens

I have been trying to grow a vegetable garden in my backyard, but the reality is that I don't have much space available to do so. I want to find a community garden where my plants can be transplanted and grow.

It all began Two years ago with some papaya seeds that started to germinate when I was just attempting to do compost. There were too many sprouts, I just kept four plants. They are in pots, I haven't been able to transplant them. I tried to cultivate some tomatoes, not much luck there I think they needed more sunlight.

It will be great if I can take some of my plants to a place were when harvesting they can benefit not just me and my family but the community. It should be great that all schools start implementing having gardens in their yards and teach kids how to plant and harvest their own food. Whatever they harvest could be used in the preparation of some of the food served in the school cafeteria.

Also those soup kitchens that feed the homeless should also have some vegetable/fruits garden and they the homeless could volunteer there to help them take care of those gardens. This can help them reduce the amount of money they might have to spend buying veggies/fruits they need for the preparation of the meals for the homeless.

In the meantime I'll continue searching for a good house for the papaya, basil, green peppers, mango and lemon plants.

Hopefully I can find something soon.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Life is like a tree.

In 1993 I was in a particular situation were nothing seems to go my way. I was doing my thesis but it was going nowhere. My tutor wasn't paying much attention to me. I was blocked. I can say that I was inside a black cloud of depression. I was crying a lot. I was unhappy about the whole situation.

One of my best friends looking for ways to help me asked me to go visit one of her neighbors who happened to be very spiritual. I was desperate to find a solution to my situation and I decided to go to my friend's neighbor the same day she told me.

This lady started describing to me exactly what was going on in my life and I am sure my friend didn't make any comment to her about me prior to my visit. It was then when she said "Life is like a tree. The points were the branches split are the choices you have to make and each will take you to a different end of your tree" and she told me that if I continued on the branch I was going and didn't make any changes then I was going to continue getting the same things... I needed to take a different branch to arrive to a different end of my tree. If I didn't make any changes at that moment I would not graduate.

She gave me choices to change the situation I was in at that time:
1) Kidnap my tutor's daughter to get his attention (he just had a newborn).She was sure this was not going to be my choice;
2) Change my tutor;
3) Change the topic of my thesis.
I decided to change my tutor immediately.

In addition to choosing to change something, she asked me to start visualizing myself graduating, wearing my gown and my cap... and I did this visualization as good as I could. I'm happy to say I graduated and I'll thank forever my friend and her neighbor, wherever she is. To my friend for being so concerned about my well being; to her neighbor for the valuable information she gave me.

Are you in the right branch of your tree? If you don't like what is going on in your life, make a change, take a different branch. Do something different to get a different result.

May any change you make on your life bring joy and happiness to you and those around you.

Best wishes to all!

Questions about filling out surveys

As I'm going through a pile of old receipts that I'm saving to fill out their surveys and have the chance to win one of their gift cards I started to wonder how many people do really answers them... and this thought started to generate lots of questions and opinions I need to get rid off to move on... to either continue filling them up or just realize it is not worth it.

Have you ever filled one? Have you ever win one of those gift cards?

Some of the receipts are for Home Depot, others from Walmart and I have one from Sephora. I wonder if only people that have a lot of time in their hands (like me at this time of unemployment) are the only ones filling them up.

I like the surveys that give you $10 gift card for answering it, such as Cheesecake Factory'surveys. Of course you have to be one of the lucky customers who gets the receipt asking for your feedback. I have probably done it twice. A $10 gift card doesn't go to far but it was enough to buy cheesecake and one tea or soda. Might be you can use it to pay for $10 of your entire bill.

There are other surveys that give you a 10 or 15% on your next purchase. I think I have filled and used one for GAP. It is worth it if you shop on that particular store quite often. However if you are just going to buy something you don't need to use the discount is not.

If you are one of the lucky people who has won one of the gift cards for $1000 or $5000 congrats! I guess I'll continue knocking at the opportunity door to be one of the lucky ones. I'll love to win the $5000 Home Depot gift card to do some well needed remodeling on one of the two bathrooms of my home.

In case I win I'll let you all know.

Good luck to you if you are one of those filling surveys out there.

Why do I need to release thoughts?

In "The seven spiritual Laws of Success" by Deepak Chopra, he suggests that you have to open the gap between thoughts, that space between them to be able to manifest your desires.

My mind is constantly chatting... I would love to know how many thoughts per minute I have. It seems my mind is never quiet and silent, not even in my sleep... I dream a lot!

If I write a blog just releasing my thoughts I might be able to have a few moments in which I can just enjoy the silence. I can write down my to-do list to avoid those thoughts coming to remind me I need to do this or that; or write worries, ideas, opinions on daily news or events that will be going around in circles in my mind just trying to get my attention on those topics.

I wish my English were better because in trying to express my thoughts, they might get lost in translation. If someone ever reads this please forgive my writing skills. I am not a writer (you might have already realized it). I could do this in a notebook or in sticky notes but I'll have too many of them all over the place. In a way to keep clutter under control, writing in a computer doesn't occupy space in my home and I don't have to be going from one place to another trying to find the notes that I'm looking for, they'll be all here.

Just for today the idea of writing this blog is out of my mind... I see the gap getting wider.

Have a wonderful day... and remember to have a moment to release your thoughts too.